BUFFALO, N.Y. — In 2020, Democrat Brian Higgins' congressional challenger may potentially be backed by Justice Democrats, a political action committee headquartered in Tennessee.

  • Justice Democrats recruiting candidate to primary Higgins
  • Congressman said he's faced many challenges over the years
  • Higgins doesn't know if challenge is coming from AOC or because of his connection to former Rep. Joe Crowley

"I'm a politician. I'm always a target. Every election cycle we have challenges," Higgins said.

Environmental activist Jackie James-Creedon confirmed the PAC reached out to her about a run in New York's 26th Congressional District. She said the group indicated Higgins wasn't progressive enough.

"It's an outside influence that's looking to impose an influence in Buffalo and Western New York," she said.

The incumbent on Monday defended his record as someone who focuses on the best interests of his district and the country, rather than political labels.
"I think that labels are very easily made and broken and I think the bottom line here is most of our problems in this country are not ideological. They're common sensical with common sensical solutions,” said Higgins.

Justice Democrats famously helped Bronx Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez upset influential Democrat Joe Crowley in 2018. Higgins and Crowley remain close friends, but he doesn't know if their relationship or Ocasio-Cortez has anything to do with the group's interest in unseating him.

"I don't think the people of this community are going to stand for an outside influence just trying to exact revenge about a political dispute that's long in the past," he said.

James-Creedon said she was not interested in running, noting Higgins has supported her environmental advocacy. She said the group asked if she knew other people who might want to run.

The congressman said he's prepared if they find somebody.

"I take every race seriously," Higgins said. "I run every two years and every two years I have opposition. I have opposition that's sometimes very well-financed. Sometimes not so much but the fact of the matter is these are challenges that you face."

A source said Justice Democrats spoke with Grand Island Town Supervisor Nate McMurray as well. McMurray, who ran for the 27th District seat last year, would only confirm several groups have reached out to him about a Higgins challenge but he's interested in Democratic unity right now.

Eddie Egriu, who ran against Higgins in 2014, has not officially announced yet but is preparing for another campaign. He said if and when he officially announces, he would absolutely work with groups like Justice Democrats and other national progressive interests.