The nation’s health care safety net needs to be expanded in order to aid the millions of people who have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Monday said.

Gillibrand urged congressional leadership in a letter to take up provisions that would bolster Medicaid spending, reopen the health insurance marketplace under the Affordable Care Act and allow for premium reimbursement under those who are accessing care under COBRA plans.

The concern is that with the spiking unemployment rate, millions of people and their families will lose health coverage.

“The outbreak of coronavirus has pushed millions of Americans into economic instability and financial hardship. The loss of health care in the midst of a public health crisis only adds to that distress,” Gillibrand said in a statement. “Leaving millions uninsured during a pandemic is simply unconscionable; Congress has a moral and economic obligation to get immediate assistance to Americans without health care. I’m proud to join this fight with my Senate colleagues to ensure no American goes without critical health care services during this unprecedented time.”