One New York mother is continuing her push for more organ donations after her son was killed and she made the decision to donate his organs.
"Ty’sean got off work and was walking home. I was sick, I had the flu and he was hit by a car while walking. The rest we know," said Gina Richardson, Ty’seans’s mother.
The date Dec. 8, 2022, shaped the lives for many people after the 20-year-old was killed. Gina said she had to make a difficult decision that day.
"I had asked for organ donation when the surgeon said it was the worst brain he had ever seen in his life," Richardson said. "I’m a realist. I had been through my husband passing. Now it’s my son I’m dealing with. Handle what you gotta handle and panic later, you know? So I did what I had to do fight for organ donation at that point."
Richardson said her son's dream was to be a superhero.
"I had to make Ty'sean a superhero, exactly what he wanted to be," said Richardson.
Ty’sean was able to donate seven of his organs, which saved six people, two being from his home state of New York.
"What could it hurt for us to help one another? It wouldn’t hurt anything. Ten out of 10 times, you don’t need your organs when you pass away," said Richardson.
She wants people to know that beauty can be found in tragedy and that all superheroes wear capes.
"Broken pieces fit together so beautifully and they make a beautiful picture sometimes too," she said. "You just gotta want to put the broken pieces together and have enough time and patience to follow it through."