New York state was no stranger to the influx of refugees that came to the United States last year, and Western New York will continue to become a new home for many in 2024.
"According to recent projections, Western New York is going to receive a thousand refugees in 2024, that gives us a big number and also a big challenge for us to be apart of this group that is helping them resettling," said Angie Matiz, community outreach and training specialist for the World Relief Organization.
According to the New York Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, upstate New York resettled over 1,200 refugees in 2022.
"We have tons of asylum seekers moving to Western New York and our hearts are also with them," Matiz said. "However refugees in general they are assigned."
Although every refugee is initially considered an asylum seeker, not all asylum seekers are considered refugees. The right to be considered a refugee is determined by law after an asylum seeker has applied for protection in their country of refuge.
"They start their process outside the United States and immigrants like asylum seekers start their process inside the United States, once they cross the boarder they are asking for help," said Matiz.
And giving help to refugees is what the World Relief organization is focused on. On Sunday, they held an informational session about their volunteer options at Edgewood Church in Pittsford.
"Every time we are doing a program, we realize another need and another need and another need," said Matiz. "Without the volunteers we couldn’t do absolutely anything."
Assisting refugees with everything from transportation, to learning English as their second language.
"Even with a hot proper meal, like a hot meal that is waiting for them because they’re gonna come tired," Matiz said.
World Relief of Western New York surpassed their commitment of resettling 120 families last year by settling 160, a number they believe will only continue to grow.
"We are pretty optimistic more than 300 this year," Matiz said.
Making helping hands more important than ever.