New York state has become the first in the nation to allow the sale of cannabis at a state and locally sanctioned location. Alongside the Great New York State Fair, the Cannabis Growers Showcase is taking place. 

“So the [Office of Cannabis Management] decided to allow us to do this and got it approved by the state in order for the growers to have an outlet for speaking directly to the consumer,” said Joann Kudrewicz, CEO of Ravens View Genetics. “In other words, the governor’s office, the Department of Ags and Markets and the OCM collectively have given their approval for us to be shuttling people to a state event like the fair and to also have signage there and to promote it. So it’s really historic in that way and super exciting.” 

The showcase is a partnership between the cultivators, processors and Syracuse-based retailer Flynnstoned Cannabis Company to sell cannabis and to educate consumers on products.

“We have nine cultivators, the farmers who bring the flower, the weed, right from the farm to the consumer,” Kudrewicz said. “We all have an opportunity to share with the consumer exactly how we grow, what we grow and why we grow it. We also have some processors here, there’s three. They bring all the other products like the vapes and the beverages and the gummies and all of the other stuff.” 

Alongside Ravens View Genetics is dispensary Flynnstoned Cannabis Company to help organize this event.

“There’s only about 22 of us with licenses in the state and there’s hundreds and hundreds of cultivators,” Mike Flynn, owner of Flynnstoned Cannabis Company, said. “So not everybody is on the store shelves in the main stores. This was just an opportunity for those people to get their products out there.”  

Flynn says business has been great and it’s been helpful to have a shuttle bus transport people back and forth from the fair to the showcase. 

“We also have our downtown location open as well,” Flynn said. “A lot of people didn’t even know we were downtown so this is a very good opportunity for brand awareness as well.” 

Flynnstoned opened its doors three months ago in Armory Square.

“I poured my heart into this industry so far and continue to until this day,” Flynn said. “And so have all these cultivators and processors and everybody. It’s a slow-moving process with the state. So hopefully more licenses can be given out soon and these products can actually hit the shelves.”

It was a milestone to have this event just a half mile away from the State Fair. Their hope is to be on the fairgrounds next year.