It's been 33 years since the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law, paving the way for people with disabilities to gain more access to work, schools, transportation and other aspects of public life.

It has been a long journey toward accessibility, but there are still changes to come.

It was President George H. W. Bush that signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law 33 years ago.

“Today’s legislation brings us closer to that day when no Americans will ever again be deprived of their basic guarantee of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the elder Bush president said at the time.

The ADA has helped protect people with disabilities in many areas of public life, areas such as voting and parking.

“The levels of accessibility that people with disabilities get to experience is largely because of people fighting for it, however, there is still a lot of work to be done and we’re proud to be here doing it,” said New York State Chief Disability Officer Kim Hill Ridley said.

Advocates took a moment Wednesday to recognize the anniversary, while also highlighting areas in which it could improve.

“Making sure that people have the opportunity to be employed, live in their own communities and the housing of their choice …transportation," Hill Ridley said. "Things like curb cuts. We still find curb cuts that aren’t necessarily the way they should be.”

The state’s Department for People With Developmental Disabilities rolled out "I Am," a new initiative aimed at breaking down the stigma surrounding developmental disabilities.

“So often people don’t even realize their own stereotyping," said Kerri Neifeld, commissioner of the state Department for People With Developmental Disabilities. "They don’t even realize that when they’re talking to or interacting with someone with a developmental disability, that they’re not realizing the full potential and contribution that person can make.”

A new documentary is also streaming on the state Developmental Disabilities Planning Council’s website, highlighting the 50th anniversary of the expose on the deplorable conditions at the Willowbrook State School, a former institution on Staten Island that housed children with intellectual disabilities.

“It really changed the disability system in this county," said Vicky Hiffa, executive director of the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council. “Willowbrook ended up closing, and all the institutions across the state closed. And it resulted in several laws that were enacted to protect the rights of people with disabilities.”

Such initiatives keep the conversation alive, which advocates say is invaluable.

“The fact that we do it around the ADA every year is critical, but doing it more often, making sure people who don’t have disabilities are aware of what people face,” Ridley said.