Clayton's Pia Hogue is the owner of the newly renovated Wooden Boat Inn.

“I wanted people to feel really cozy and comfortable in here. Everything's fresh and bright,” Pia said of her rooms,” she said.

It's a small boutique motel with six differently designed rooms, and is just two blocks away from the St Lawrence River, which around here is a lot like “walking through life in really nice shoes.”

“So I'm hoping to draw a wider base of guests that haven't been here before,” Pia said.

And to do that, she knew she needed to do something a little bit different, perhaps “a little bit, Alexis.”

“So this is the rock star today, room number three,” Pia said as she showed us a very special room at her inn. “Eugene Levy's hit show, “Schitt's Creek”.”

Pia is a massive fan of the show. And the room is an exact replica of the Rosebud Motel bedroom. It’s her “fold in the cheese.”

“This has taken me a year in itself to find all the components to the room, like these bricks,” Pia said pointing to the design of a bedroom wall. “I wanted to do a set replica because I know there is a huge fan base and what better way to draw people in from out of the town than to create something that people want to come to, to photograph themselves and to share. And in turn, hopefully, that will bring different clientele and guests to the other businesses in town,” Pia added.

And Pia did not miss a single detail. From Moira's bebe’s to the rings on the coffee tables, to yes, the drip.

“That little character trait about that character is really funny,” Pia said of Moira’s wig collection on the show. “I've already had one couple stay here and they had a blast there. They said, ‘we felt like we were on the set.’ They even stayed the night in their own character outfits and they really loved it. And that's just what made me feel. Feel good about myself and made it worth all of the hard work.”