We may be a few weeks removed from celebrating Father’s Day but as Spectrum News 1 continues our honor flight coverage, we profile a father/son duo and how their story on this trip is close to many military family experiences – the good and the bad.
"I didn't know what to expect. I just knew that this was going to be the ultimate experience," said Wilmer Olivencia Jr., who was the guardian for his father on Mission 14.
It was the trip of a lifetime.
"The way we've been treated the last couple of days, it's amazing [and] very emotional," said Wilmer Olivencia Sr., an Army veteran and Purple Heart recipient.
This particular Honor Flight fell on Father’s Day weekend. It’s something both Olivencias found to be celebratory and therapeutic.
"A ton of emotions came back where it really affected him,” Olivencia Jr. said. “And I didn't know who my dad was.”
Over the years, it's something that's ravaged the veterans - and their families - including the Olivencia household.
"PTSD is serious," he added. "It's something that it affects the whole family."
They spent more than 48 hours on the road, taking in the sights, sounds and support of Mission 14..
"It definitely take me closer not just to my son, but to my whole entire family," said Olivencia Sr. "I'm definitely going to tell the stories, what really happened in Vietnam and hope that everybody will appreciate our service."
This isn't a final step for the Olivencias by any stretch, but years after Olivencia Sr. service, it's another way to get closer.
"I think him coming to this definitely has made him a stronger person and has made it easier for him to talk about it," noted Olivencias Jr.
Deciding to come on the trip was a no-brainer for both of them. But it emphasizes the role that Jr. has played in honoring his father's legacy.
"I'm more proud of him now more than ever before," Olivencias Sr. said. "[I] can't really say too much, I'm just overwhelmed with the rest of the last night that we spent here together."
And what better weekend honor the service of a son to his father and, in turn, a family to their country.
"Every father wants to spend it you know with their kids," noted Olivencias Jr. "I'm getting the privilege of spending with my dad. And it's the ultimate."