The city of Syracuse is looking for community input regarding a proposed kayak and canoe launch project in Kirk Park with access to Onondaga Creek. The plan will be presented tonight at the Tomorrow's Neighborhood's Today meeting at the Southside Innovation Center.

This proposed kayak and canoe launch in Kirk Park would allow people to get on the water for recreational activities. The city wants more feedback on the project which would be paid for by a pre-approved grant.

The Kirk Park launch would be one of three Onondaga Creek access points and would include an ADA approved ramp and a stilling basin. Officials said the launch could encourage the development of fun new programs for all ages.

"A question that often comes up is programming: Is the city going to develop programming here? Right now, the city does rent kayaks at Hiawatha Lake up on Onondaga Hill. I think the city is looking at expanding that program to rentals in other areas. This would be one of those areas we would be looking at," said Syracuse Facilities Engineer Russell Houck.

The proposed kayak launch is located right at the current end of the creek walk near Hunt Avenue. It would be built using an approved $380,000 in grants through the Onondaga Lake Restoration fund.

The city would like more input from folks on the project pertaining to the development of the launch and programming. Other proposed access points to the creek include the Syracuse Inner Harbor and the Seneca Turnpike Pavilion.

The Kirk Park project will be discussed at the Southside TNT meeting tonight. That meeting will be held at the Southside Innovation Center on South Salina Street at 6:00 p.m.

You can also give give your feedback online through August 15 by visiting the Kirk Park Launch website, here.