The benefits of physical activity are the same for all children. Pediatricians are being encouraged to prescribe more activity for children with disabilities, citing that physical education helps all kids improve mental health, academics, movement, overall well-being, and fight obesity.

The journal “Pediatrics” says that physicians should move away from conservative approaches that focused on a child’s disability, advising medical experts to work with families to find ways for children to be included.

Adapted Physical Education is a service that already exists in some schools and a way to make this happen. Federal Law protects those with disabilities, and providers say all students that have IEP’s, or Individual Education Programs, need to be assessed for adapted physical education.

At West Genesee Middle School, the Adapted PE is an individualized physical education program for children with disabilities. Alexia Abdo-Davis teaches Adapted PE and general PE.

“All good PE is adapted. But this is a specialized physical education program and for students with IEPs, this is what we look at," said Davis.

Abdo-Davis uses a copycat game with peer mentors are pals to help teach basic life skills.

"So we're really trying to work on taking turns, cooperation, communication. All of those life skills are important for every child. Adapted phys ed is actually a service, it's not a class, which there’s a lot of confusion on that. We want the students in the least restrictive environment, which may be general phys ed with push-in support, like you just saw, so inclusive, or it could be separate setting, depending on their need. So more PE quality phys ed. Inclusive phys ed where we're working together, everyone is different and unique. And it's important that we learn how to work with each other because that's a life skill,” said Davis.

The New York State Department of Education mandates that all students in grades kindergarten through third grade have physical education five days a week. Pupils in fourth through sixth grades should be in a structured PE class a minimum of three times per week. This requirement is not tracked or enforced by the state. This is despite the surge in childhood obesity and mental health issues.

Education experts say due to limited time in the school day, requirements are rarely met.​