Lientenant Governor Kathy Hochul visited Syracuse on Tuesday to thank those workers at daycare providers across the area.

She is traveling across New York as part of a statewide child care appreciation campaign.

During her visit, Hochul pointed out the need of continued quality, affordable daycare to help the state's economy rebuild, saying that with the money the federal government has provided, centers are in a better position to pay their workers more money and provide a better environment to younger generations. 

Hochul believes affordable centers can also help heal local neighborhoods.

"As we talk about the problems of society today, too much gun violence, young people who don't thik they have an opportunity. It all starts in places like this. If they could have a loving, nurturing environment and they head off to kindergarten not at a disadavantage because they sat and watched television for three years before they went off to school, but they had an educational, loving environment ... these kids are going to have a better head start," said Hochul.

Hochul says there's a greater appreciation for quality daycare, and if businesses work together, they can help to solve the lack of available care and get more people back to work.