Nothing says the beginning of summer like fresh strawberries.

Many farms in the area are offering fresh berries in store, while others have special U-Pick hours.

What You Need To Know

  • Strawberry season across our region seems to be ahead of schedule as the weather has led to a great crop

  • Many farms in the area offer in-store berries or have U-Pick hours available

  • Regardless of where you're doing your strawberry picking, you are advised to call ahead or check Facebook pages for specific hours

The manager at William's Farm Stand in Cicero said it's typically not until the third week of June when the berries are ready. But the weather has cooperated and they actually opened their U-Pick field for the first time on Sunday.

You can find pre-picked berries by the quart or the case in their store, as well.

Some farms did offer pick-your-own hours last year, but it wasn't as popular due to the pandemic. However, it's expected to be a better year while picking your own berries offers families a fun experience.

Many farms across the area are reporting berries to have a good size, color and texture, thanks to the right combination of sun and rain. At William's Farm, the manager said a lot of sun was the biggest contributor to a great crop.

"Strawberries like around 70 degrees. We have our strawberries on plastic with drip irrigation, so we can water at any time. We don't need it to rain. If it does, it's just an added benefit," said William's Farm Stand Manager Samantha Pietricola.

You can stop at the farm stand to get their berries any time between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you do wish to pick your own, they will supply the containers so there's no need to bring your own. They also use their fresh berries at their ice cream stand at William's Farm.

Regardless of where you're doing your strawberry picking, you are advised to call ahead or check Facebook pages for specific hours.