We're now in the month of June and the forecast shows we may see some much warmer weather in the near future. However, before you turn your air conditioner way up, National Grid officials are hopeful you'll try to save some energy.

Experts said there are several ways you can save money and help the environment.

During the next three to four months, hot summer days can be a serious challenge to power companies like National Grid.

Experts say that opening windows and using fans, rather than running your air conditioning all day, can conserve energy and save you a significant amount on your energy bill.

Experts recommended to take some time to clean your air conditioning filters on a regular basis and have your units serviced. It's also recommended you purchase LED light bulbs and try to allow a little less light in your home during the day. And when you first get home, don't automatically crank up the air conditioning.

"There's that temptation as the house gets warmer, you've been outside, to turn it down far cooler than it should be. Give yourself a moment to acclimate to the temperature in your home before you go and turn on that air conditioner. And again, fans are your friends. Whether it's the ceiling fan, or it's that fan in your window, that can help you control your energy usage," said National Grid Lead Program Manager Carolyn King.  

Remember, when you're not at home, to control your home temperature with a WiFi app or programmable thermostat. King said conserving energy will not only help the power company avoid outages, but the impact will help the environment.

Other energy saving tips include unplugging appliances during the day when they're not in use and using smart strips instead of plugging things directly into the wall.

You're encouraged to learn more about energy efficiency and stay up-to-date on new products by visiting National Grid's website.