The New York State Supreme Court ruled in favor of the city of Syracuse's request for a $3,700 judgement against the owners of the Skyline Apartment complex, Mayor Ben Walsh said.

The call to court was raised back in March to hold Green Skyline, LLC, accountable for code violations related to the building's elevators. 

The judge ruled that the company must pay $100 per day for each of the 37 days it had non-compliant elevators at the 365-unit building on 753 James Street. Skyline must also service the elevators in the next 15 days. 

The only thing missing was defendants representing Skyline.

Judge James Murphy addressed the court quickly saying, “I should note for the record, I’ve looked around and no one appeared on behalf of Green Skyline Apartments LLC."

Counsel for the city told the judge that the three elevators at Skyline Apartments are not in compliance. They were cited in December of 2020.

Evidence from the case file shows that Skyline also had the same infraction in 2018 where there was a judgment of $5,200 against the property owners. This time, the judge ordered Green Skyline Apartments LLC to pay $3,700 for the violations.

“Given that they’ve been cited for this previously and not complied, this has every indication of being a pattern with regard to this respondent," said Judge Murphy.

“If you break it down, it’s not a lot of money for them," said Kristen Smith, who represented the city. "For a unit that has 352 units in it, it’s not a lot of money. It’s the most we could’ve asked for, but we’re stuck with the laws we have to enforce.”

Smith was also surprised that the defense table was empty.

“I have been in touch with counsel for Skyline. I was frankly surprised they weren’t here today," Smith said. "I did expect to appear. They were aware of the proceedings.”

As the code violations and fines continue to stack up against Skyline I asked the corporation counsel if there are any criminal actions that can be taken.

Skyline Apartments is where 93-year-old Connie Tuori was found murdered in March. The Syracuse Police Department made an arrest and continues to investigate that case.

“The City will pursue every avenue it can to hold Green Skyline accountable for failing to provide safe and quality housing for tenants at the Skyline Apartments. This is not the first time we have won judgments against this company, and it won’t be the last if that is what it takes,” said Mayor Walsh in a statement Wednesday. “Code Enforcement, Fire and Police are monitoring conditions in the complex, and we are continuing to ensure compliance with the Nuisance Abatement Notice and the Unfit declaration. We won’t stop until Green Skyline meets its obligations to residents and the City.”


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