Kids are shopping with a cop and they're picking out a toy for themselves and a family member.

Usually you can't buy whatever you want in the toy aisle, but Garruk and about 60 other kids were able to go on a shopping spree at Walmart buying toys for themselves with a police escort.

What You Need To Know

  • Cortland Police hold Shop with a Cop for the second year

  • They were able to help around 60 kids

  • It's an opportunity to help build relationships between police officers and community members

"Kids don't always have the best interactions or any interactions with the police, so it's nice to have a positive interaction," said Joseph Peters, Cortland Police Officer.

They had to stay on budget, $150.

"I'm really excited and I'm really just happy and grateful and thankful for everybody," said Hailey Chamberlain, a kid shopper.

This is only the second time cops and kids have teamed up in Cortland to go shopping. It was funded by a grant and some anonymous donors from the community. Last year they were able to help 15 kids.

"Building those relationships with the police officers and the community whether you're building new relationships or strengthening existing relationships," said Jesse Abbott, Cortland Community Policing Officer.