Many high school seniors have applied to receive scholarships, and after much anticipation, some of them finally got their wish in a unique way.

The Baldwinsville Community Scholarship Foundation handed out several scholarships to students from the Baldwinsville School District and Baldwinsville High School students on Friday.

What You Need To Know

  • Virtual scholarships were handed out personally to students from the Baldwinsville School District and Baldwinsville High School
  • Scholarships ranged from $1,000 to $5,000

  • More scholarships may be handed out in the fall

Since students have been stuck at home due to COVID-19, it was a way to connect with them.

“With the schools not in session and going virtual, we are going to do home deliveries and surprise recipients this year,” said Baldwinsville Community Scholarship Foundation President Allen Mitts.

Mitts, along with others, including one of the founders, drove from home to home. They surprised Baldwinsville seniors with money ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 annually.

One of the scholarship recipients, Rachel Cofini, was grateful.

“Awesome,” said Cofini. “I am really happy. It’s such an honor to get this.”

“It’s such a nice surprise for her, especially with everything going on-our seniors need to know that they are still being thought of,” her mother said.

“Really excited. I wasn’t expecting it at all, so it was a nice surprise,” said another recipient Taylor LaPage.

Both of their parents did their part to keep it all a surprise.

“I’m surprised my mom was able to keep it a secret for as long as she did,” said Taylor.

The scholarship team said they were doing it all to make these times easier for the students.

"It definitely lifted my spirits a lot,” LaPage said. “It's hard not finishing senior year and see everyone. So it’s really nice to have surprises like this.”

The foundation expects to do another round of scholarship giveaways in the fall.