For the first time in 12 years, Fulton residents will see a fresh face leading their city.

There are four candidates hoping to win the mayoral race. It's the place they all call home, and agree, it's time to revamp.

"I'm running for mayor because the people of Fulton want change in 2019,” said Fulton Mayoral Candidate Daniel Farfaglia, (D). “I'm hoping to give them that."

"My son challenged me to give him a reason to move back here after college," said Fulton Mayoral Candidate Deana Michaels, (R).

"I believe our youth is our future, and we need to invest in them,” said Fulton Mayoral Candidate Ethan Parkhurst, (I).

"I'm running because this is my hometown,” said Mayoral Candidate David Webber, (I). “I was born and raised here. I've seen it in the good days. I've seen it in the tougher days."

These four mayoral candidates want the good days to return to Fulton. However, they have different blueprints.

Michaels says she's going to focus on creating safer neighborhoods, improving infrastructure and the economy.

"I'd like to implement a see something say something program tied to our county tips 4-1-1,” said Michaels. “Economic development: I'm proud to be a part of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative team that just won a $10 million grant that will help us stimulate our economy."

Parkhurst wants to focus on seniors and youth.

"We need to harness them and direct them on a path of success,” said Parkhurst. “We need to make sure we supply them with the tools to live a successful life whether it's through job training or sheer loves."

Bringing in more jobs is also at the top of the list for Webber.

"More businesses and people moving in,” said Webber. “But to get that, you need to clean up the city first. You have to make the streets pass the eye test."

By getting rid of eye sores like zombie homes, which is one of the main issues Farfaglia wants to tackle.

All of the candidates share one priority -- solving the drug crisis.

"I've seen up close how bad the crisis is in Oswego County, and the remedies that are out there,” said Farfaglia. “I would like to use the model used by Chatham Police Department which has been very successful."

Farfaglia is the only one with political experience as an Oswego County Legislator.

But all the candidates believe their individual backgrounds will help improve the future of Fulton.

Current Fulton mayor Ron Woodward decided to step down after a 12-year run as mayor.

He's served the city of Fulton in many different capacities for nearly four decades.