There have been 24 reported fights this year at the Centro bus hub.

"Around the start of the school session we did see an increase of fights with the students, multiple fights were reported on a weekly or monthly basis but we've seen a reduction in these fights recently," said Syracuse Police Department Sgt. Matt Malinowski.

A video circulating social media shows the largest of those fights on September 19. According to Syracuse police, two minors starting fighting when 100 more circled them. SPD officers used pepper spray to break up the group which they called "dense and unruly."

One officer made that decision, "out of fear of being run over by a hostile crowd."

"This isn't an overwhelming problem that's happening all of the time. So I don't want people to think that the Centro hub in itself is a dangerous place," said Malinowski.

Centro released a statement about the incident reading, "since the beginning of the school year, there have been instances of student disputes that have culminated with confrontations at the Centro transit hub."

It continues to say that it's working with relevant organizations to find a solution.

"We've been in a team collaboration trying to prevent these fights from happening," said Malinowski.

Centro offers bus services to Syracuse City School District students that live a mile and a half from their school.

“We are aware of the recent incidents at the downtown Centro hub and are working with Centro, the Syracuse police department and ontech to ensure the safety of our students and those using the hub,” said the Syracuse City School District in a statement. “The Syracuse city school district has school support staff monitoring the hub and we are working with Centro to hold students accountable who violate our code of conduct, character and support. Additionally, we will continue discussions on how best to mitigate any issues from happening at the hub in the future.”

"I think it would be a better alternative if we could find a better way to make this all work together. I don't see the sense in how we can cut the largest bus provided to the school district," said Malinowski.

Syracuse police say they did not arrest anyone involved because of their age. The two minors that reportedly started fighting were issued 30 day suspensions by Centro.