ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY, N.Y. -- St. Mary's Cemetery in Potsdam has a new set of guidelines after public outcry that grave decorations and memorials were disturbed. 

In May, the cemetery committee ordered a cleanup to remove items that didn't meet new guidelines. The church said those new guidelines were announced in church bulletins for weeks, but some with loved ones at the cemetery said not everyone received the notification. 

A new pastor for St. Mary's was tasked with drafting new rules that maintain the character of the cemetery, with input from the community. 

  1. Borders around gravestones are allowed, but they cannot be made of plastic. 
  2. The borders must be maintained,  in an arc or rectangle shape, and there are certain size requirements.
  3. No planted shrubs or trees will be allowed.
  4. Artificial flowers, statues, candles, vigil or solar lights, plastic ornaments, and benches are also not allowed. 

Those who need help planting live flowers, or removing trees or shrubs at their loved ones' plots, can call the rectory for help. New signage with the rules is scheduled to be put on cemetery grounds Friday. 

The rules will go info effect June 2017, and any non-conforming items will be thrown out.