SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- The stage is almost set for the opening night of the Landmark Children's Theatre performance of 'The Wizard of Oz.'

This performance Friday night is being done by kids age 3 to 16, and what is even more impressive -- they've only had two weeks to prepare for it.

They're part of a camp at the landmark Theatre that trains them how to sing, act and perform.

Friday and Saturday are a recital of sorts. Dorothy and the crew will be coming down the yellow brick road right here at the Landmark Theatre. They'll be performing songs like "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and the "Jitterbug."

Co-Director Virginia Labatos says it's a lot of work. From costumes to choreography she says it can be a big feat. But she says the kids who come to the camp are very dedicated.

"We spend the first day casting. They come in the second day. And, by the third day, some of them have their lines memorized already. They make a true commitment. They're true professionals. These kids, they are amazing. Sometimes we don't know how we do it in ten days, but it always turns out amazing,” Labatos said.

If you're off to see the Wizard the first performance will be Friday at 7 p.m. There will be another show Saturday at 3 p.m.