Renovations are complete at the Brighton Towers and residents are enjoying their new apartments. Senior residents join community leaders in celebrating the new Brighton Towers with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. TWC News' Brittani Moncrease has more.

Brighton Towers celebrated the completion of its newly renovated apartment buildings Thursday. Community leaders and residents hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the new look.

"Yes, the apartments at Brighton Tower are affordable, are doable, are spacious, have light that comes in that makes you feel good about yourself even if you're having a bad hair day," said President of Resident Association Susannah Wright.

The twin high-rises, providing affordable housing to more than 800 senior residents, was built in 1970. With nearly 600 units, the building underwent remodeling in August 2014. Residents were able to remain at the towers while construction crews worked around them.

"So obviously, it was quite a ruckus around here," said Rochester Management President and CEO Peggy Hill. "But as soon as they started seeing the improvements, they were really thrilled and so positive working with our teams here."

About a year later, the job was done, totaling about $22 million. With the upgrade adding energy efficient windows, new kitchens, upgraded fire alarms and remodeled common areas, many residents are lounging in their new environment.

"We'll be safer, number one," said Wright, "and number two, it's brightened up the kitchen area, which also leads into the living room area. It's given us more room to put our microwave, canister set, toaster, coffee pot and maybe a begonia that hasn't bloomed yet."