It won't be difficult figure out what's for dinner Tuesday: beef. But there will be plenty more to do, and expect a full crowd whe you come as it is another Senior Day, where people 60 years of age and older get into the fair for free.
Admission: $10 at the gate; Seniors (60+) get free admission
5 More Things To Do At The Fair:
- Beef Day includes a scavenger hunt, a hay bale throwing contents and a couple burger cooking competitions.
- Come honor those who serve in emergency personnel roles as the State Fair marks Fire & Rescue Day at 11 a.m. in the Horticulture Building.
- Get a jump on the Syracuse Irish Festival with the Mahoney Irish Dance on the Regional Artist Stage at 11:30 a.m.
- Meet Lacey Leonardi, Carrie Cheevers, Solomon Syed, Mark Larson (#TeamMark) and Erik Columbia at the TWC News deck all day!
- Downolad the official New York State Fair app to get your hands on the Food Finder to locate your lunch.