It won't be difficult figure out what's for dinner Tuesday: beef. But there will be plenty more to do, and expect a full crowd whe you come as it is another Senior Day, where people 60 years of age and older get into the fair for free.

Admission: $10 at the gate; Seniors (60+) get free admission

5 More Things To Do At The Fair:

  1. Beef Day includes a scavenger hunt, a hay bale throwing contents and a couple burger cooking competitions.
  2. Come honor those who serve in emergency personnel roles as the State Fair marks Fire & Rescue Day at 11 a.m. in the Horticulture Building.
  3. Get a jump on the Syracuse Irish Festival with the Mahoney Irish Dance on the Regional Artist Stage at 11:30 a.m.
  4. Meet Lacey Leonardi, Carrie Cheevers, Solomon Syed, Mark Larson (#TeamMark) and Erik Columbia at the TWC News deck all day!
  5. Downolad the official New York State Fair app to get your hands on the Food Finder to locate your lunch.

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