It's important for everyone to be prepared for potential natural disasters.
Matt Franklin oversees the Office of Emergency Management within the Division of Homeland Security. He joined JoDee Kenney to discuss what he oversees and how the state is working to be prepared.
“It's our role to make sure that we prepare, train and exercise individuals across the state,” Franklin said. “Whether that’s at the county level or the local level or the individual level. We want to make sure that they're prepared for whatever may come their way.”
Franklin says it's always important to make sure you not only have a plan, but also exercise and train with that plan.
Among the most important items Franklin says people should have at the ready include an emergency kit, and electronic versions of photos, documents and identification.
If you are making your own emergency kit, you should include:
- Plenty of water
- Goggles
- A radio
- First aid kit
- Mask
- Flashlight
- Duct tape
- Spare batteries
- Gloves
- Rescue blanket
Franklin says if you are looking to be more prepared, you can sign up for the Citizens Preparedness Corps online at
The state also has a program called NY alerts, which allows you to sign up for free and then you can pick how you want to get the messages on your cell phone with a texting email or phone.