Hundreds of people stopped by a giveaway in Syracuse.

The Spanish Action League handed out reusable grocery bags filled with hand sanitizer and face masks, along with boxes of produce, meat, and milk on Saturday.

Organizers say the event showcased that community need hasn't lessened as this pandemic surges on. 

"The needs existed before the pandemic, and they've only been exacerbated since the pandemic and long after the pandemic people are still going to be in need," said Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh. 

"Food always draws people in, but then we're educating them to make sure they know what's going on with the pandemic, how do they protect themselves and their families, how do they wear a mask correctly, and to make sure to encourage them to social distance, wash their hands as well as wear a mask for safety," said Spanish Action League executive director Elisa Morales. 

La Liga also handed out information on the 2020 Census, working with Mayor Walsh to get the word out on its importance.