North Star Nutrition has an extensive menu.
“The teas give you energy for throughout the day. The shakes are meal replacement shakes, so they're 24-gram full meal replacement shakes, so you can substitute an entire meal for that," Kristie Carta said. Carta knows it all because North Star Nutrition is her club and it’s only been up and running since June.
“It’s just so crazy. Time is flying. It’s awesome. We have a really great, supportive community," Carta said.
The nutrition club is one of about a dozen in Central New York, with a staff focused on improving their customers' health and wellness with teas and shakes. Kristie is passionate about the products because she lost over 20 pounds using them.
“I feel confident talking about the products because I know how much they’ve helped me," Carta said.
That passion is why she opened the club.
“I always wanted to open my own business, but I didn’t know what I wanted to do," she said. "When I got so into this and so passionate, I thought this is it, I can so see myself doing this."
Making that decision was scary, especially during a pandemic.
"I was definitely scared of failure," Carta said.
But so far, it’s been paying off.
“It’s such a growing market. I can see myself opening up a second club, or a third club," Carta said.
Kristie said this is her happy place, and it looks like a lot of her customers feel the same way.