In the crowd outside of The People’s AME Zion Church is Joe Burton, a local pastor and chaplain.

He knows a lot of the people here.

“She’s a member of our church. She’s a member of our church. He’s a member of our church,” said Burton.

What You Need To Know

  • The People’s AME Zion Church opened for vaccine distribution Monday
  • The state provided 250 doses 
  • In three weeks the church will get its second doses

Burton is one of 250 people who are going to get their COVID-19 vaccine right here on the south side of Syracuse.

“I’m not afraid of it and I will take it because it’s not going to harm me,” said Burton.

The church was named as a vaccination pop-up site by the state on Sunday.

It was Friday when Pastor Daren Jaime learned the news.

“I was a little be humbled, not a little, I was very humbled," Pastor Jaime said. "And shocked because I didn’t think we would be selected."

Jaime advocated to make the church a point of distribution, trying to keep his vulnerable community safe.

According to the 2010 Census, the black population in Syracuse was 30 percent. According to the Onondaga County COVID-19 data, of all confirmed cases in Syracuse, about 24 percent are black.

“We’re located right here in the heart of the south side and so a lot of this vulnerable population is right in our reach. Ultimately, I don’t know but I’m glad we were selected,” said Jaime.

Joe admits he was apprehensive about the vaccine.

“I don’t even take Aspirin,” said Burton.

But the toll of the virus can’t be denied. And he has a wife he wants to keep safe and a community too.

“Right now, we have to be concerned with the people around us too. That should motivate everybody,” said Burton.