Friday morning, the New York State Department of Transportation hosted a hiring event at Toomey Abbott Towers, a part of the Syracuse Housing Authority. There is a push to hire residents in underserved ZIP codes. The event focused on information and hiring opportunities that will center around the I-81 project.
SUNY Educational Opportunity Center is offering a free six-week hands-on New York State Department of Transportation Work Smart Program to teach those wanting to contribute to the I-81 project basic skills and math.
“What we’re seeing with the students is the discovery of the different types of construction,” said Carol Hill, director of workforce development for SUNY EOC. “They understand construction but they don’t know the different types of jobs that are available. It’s really our way of introducing them to a variety of careers that are available and the opportunities.”
Those familiar with the I-81 project say electricians, iron workers and carpenters will play major roles.
“The carpenters physically drive the piles for the bridge superstructures,” said David Brumsted, business development representative for North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters. “We drive sheeting that holds the Earth embankment and provides safety protection for the workers.”
Brumsted says anyone can apply, regardless of experience.
“Our apprenticeship is a New York State Department of Labor of Proof Program,” Brumsted said. “It is an ‘earn while you learn’ program. It is mainly on-the-job training. We take you off the job four times a year, once a quarter to give you in-class education training.”
Even though I-81 is the focus for these jobs, the labor unions want people to know that trade skills can lead to years of good work.
“If you have the ability to make it to work on time, and the passion to learn, this is the place for you,” Brumsted said.