WATERTOWN, N.Y. -- Teenagers from seven counties met in Public Square in Watertown to protest smoking in youth movies.

Counties represented are Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Madison, Oswego, Onondaga, and Cayuga.

Dozens of teens wore hazardous material suits and held signs to get out their message that smoking in movies is responsible for 52-percent of new teen smokers.

Reality Check members want movies that show or imply tobacco use to be rated "R” and teen leaders say changing movie ratings will save lives.

"How many teenagers start smoking because of movies because they think it's cool because they see their favorite actors smoking, and it really is a big deal," said Jimmy Johnston, Madison Co. Reality Check Leader}

"There's Disney movies and 60% of them, because Disney also owns Touchstone and Miramax, 60% of these movies contain smoking, and you think of Disney as a kids thing. And there's little kids out there that see smoking in movies, and they think it's okay," said Lauren Chapman, Cayuga Co. Reality Check Leader.

Reality Check Members from around the state will meet in New York City on June first to protest smoking in movies.