Who knew at-home workout gear would be as in high demand as toilet paper?! I certainly had no clue until I realized that I needed a set of weights to continue a modified version of my normal gym routine.

I went on to Amazon, looking for a prime delivery, and there were none to be had. I went to several local stores and they were out of stock. I began to wonder, what's going on? Turns out many fitness buffs had more forethought than I had and they ran out and got their needed supplies before the stores closed.

Two weeks into self-isolation I realized that a bike ride or a brisk walk here or there was not enough and I really wanted to lift some weights. Not being able to find any I started to text around, underground market style, looking for someone who could give me my fix! 

"Hey, can you hook me up a set of 10lb weights?" "Yo, you know where I can find some dumbbells?" Everyone answered with some version of "LOL, no."

After checking online, I decided to take a chance to call up our local Dicks Sporting Goods and ask what they DID have, because everything was out of stock online. The guy on the phone didn't sound optimistic but he said he would go look at what he had. When he got back on the phone he declared he had a set of 10lb weights! I squealed and said I'd come right over for curbside pickup.

When the guy came out with the weights I declared "My HERO!" He gave a friendly laugh, placed them in my car and I was victoriously on my way to my first weight workout in two weeks.

I washed the weights off, turned up the music, put on some disco lights and then got in my first good workout in a while. Many people might say I could have gotten a good workout without them, and I would agree, but for some of us, it's the actual act of routine that helps us to be successful in health and fitness.

I am a big proponent of flattening the curve, so I am not going to be out in public as much. But, I admit, I do really miss going to the YMCA. I miss seeing my friends who work at the desk. I miss seeing the same sweaty faces who show up when I show up. I know this isolation is necessary and I still miss them.

I've seen a lot of people online worrying about gaining an "Isolation 15," kinda like the college "Freshman 15." I feel their pain. That's why these weights were so important to me. They're going to help me stay focused. They're going to provide a sense of normalcy in a time that is anything but normal. The shortage of weights indicates to me I'm not alone in wanting normal back.

We won't be seeing normal any time soon but I would rather us take precautions and stay home to help save lives. If you're struggling with your health and fitness goals know I'm here to encourage you to keep at them. Feel free to connect with me on your favorite social media site. I'm always looking for new friends. Our health and our family's health should be a top priority right now and together we can make that happen.