Chuck Wojton has lived in South Troy since 1974. Through the years, he has seen many children take advantage of the South Troy Pool, including his own kids many years ago.

"It has served a lot of people in the area, and it’s good in the summer time for kids. [It] gives them something to do,” Wojton said.

But for the last two summers it hasn't been available for children. The pool has been closed, needing repairs, and with no city money to pay for it.

However, things could be changing this year after Troy Mayor Patrick Madden set a goal to repair and open the South Troy Pool by July 1.

Madden says the focus for this year is to at least get the work on the pool completed.

“Then after the season we’ll go back in and [address] the changing rooms and the rest of the facilities,” Madden said.

The Troy City Council authorized $1.4 million for the pool in November, with another $3.8 million approved for the Knickerbacker pool.

That project will take much longer since Madden says it won't be a repair job but rather a replacement job.

“We thought we would take the opportunity if we’re going to replace the pool, [to] look at a better, more convenient location within the park,” Madden said.

He says this took time because the city is finally in a position where it can financially bond for these projects. 

Madden is hoping to have the project out to bid by the end of the month. The city is also applying for $375,000 in state aid to help pay for both pools.