This weekend, New York state honored its Veterans of the Year recipients.

Garth Lloyd has been waiting for this day for a while now. More than a year to be exact, and this anticipation brings butterflies.

What You Need To Know

  • Garth Lloyd was recognized as the 2020 New York Veteran of the Year

  • Robert Van Pelt was recognized as the 2021 New York Veteran of the Year

  • Both recipients served in the U.S. Army and fought in the Vietnam War

“Nervous, it’s not my usual thing,” Lloyd said.

Lloyd was selected as the New York State Veteran of the Year in 2020, but he had to wait a year to celebrate due to COVID safety concerns.

On Saturday, the Army veteran's time finally came to receive that achievement.

“Being so long, 51 years since I was in Vietnam, I was ecstatic, I was really grateful,” Lloyd said.

Lloyd’s impact goes even beyond his service in Vietnam.

He’s been active member in his community, and has even volunteered to work disabled veterans like himself, to help them adjust to life post service.

Many of the lives he touched came to support him.

“You know, they say you don’t need to be a rich man to be rich in friends and family,” Lloyd said. “And I’m a very rich man in friends and family. This is super.”

The ceremony honored both Lloyd and 2021 Veteran of the Year Robert Van Pelt.

Lloyd has received the Purple Heart, and the Vietnam service medal, among other recognitions, but he says this one means more.

“Well I’ve never got a medal before,” Lloyd said. “I wasn’t in the Olympics, and it’s heavy too. I wish my mother and father were alive to see this.”

Lloyd says he hopes this award makes his children and grandchildren proud.

And to his fellow service men and women, he says thank you.

“Please appreciate anyone in uniform, anyone who serve their country,” he said. “Because I think it’s an honor to serve the United States in any capacity, whether Air Force, Marines, Army or Navy. To serve your country is an honor.”

Lloyd says he will continue to help those who serve his country in any way he can.