BUFFALO, N.Y. — The speed cameras in school zones continue to be a hot topic for debate in Buffalo Common Council meetings.

Councilman Chris Scanlon says a resolution was introduced this week changing how school zones are operated. The controversial cameras were installed in more than a dozen school zones around the city.

Scanlon says the council will continue to have a conversation and bring ideas together but ultimately, he says he thinks the cameras are critically important to slowing people down.

"We've seen compliance rates skyrocket since their installation and I live at the corner of a school zone. I basically have a school in my backyard, I have children that go to a local school, so it's important," said Scanlon.

"We want the council to look at the data, we want them to do the right thing, the data shows that people are slowing down, making our school speed zones safer, making our children safer, that's what this program is all about," said Mayor Byron Brown.

Flashing beacons are also on throughout the school day to warn drivers to slow down.