People across New York state are doing what they can to beat the heat.

Blazing hot temperatures are not only extremely uncomfortable, but dangerous.

What You Need To Know

  • People across New York state are doing what they can to beat the heat

  • Experts say people should drink plenty of water 

  • Residents should also seek air conditioning, shade or water to keep cool

Experts say that people should drink plenty of water or spend time in the water or at a spray park.

“This is just a great day for me to just enjoy this time right now,” said Mark Jackson of Rochester. He brought his 3-year-old granddaughter to a new spray park to run around, have fun outside and keep cool at the same time. 

He explains how he plans accordingly when it’s this hot out.

“You know, when it’s hot out, we have to be careful what we eat and feed our kids, because they need to drink a lot of water and stay hydrated," Jackson said.

Terrance Greathouse is helping with that. He’s selling hot dogs, burgers and cold drinks in his neighborhood.

“I got water, I sell strawberry lemonade, fresh lemonade I make," he said. "I make lemonade with iced tea I mix it up. That’s pretty good."

Then there are those that carry on their outdoor routine despite the high temperatures like basketball player Alexander Webb. He describes what he does to beat the heat while shooting hoops, which is good advice for everyone.

“Just [drinking] a lot of water [and] coming out here earlier [with] a white t-shirt," he said. "Don’t wear black. Do not wear black. It will kill you out here.”

The sizzling heat isn’t going anywhere this week, so where you should go is into the air conditioning, the shade or find some water to keep you cool during this blast of heat.