Depending on where you live, you might be confused as fireworks are still going off in neighborhoods from Niagara County through the Southern Tier in the entire Empire State.

But the Fourth of July holiday is firmly in the rearview, so what does that mean for family fun outside of vacations?

The Buffalo Waterfront at Canalside offers a few options for the entire family. 

The Buffalo Waterfront is a relatively short drive for just about everyone and before you take a look at back-to-school sales you can take it a wide array of programs and events. Everything from goat yoga and art vendors on a weekly basis. Food and drink your thing? They’ve got plenty of that in store. Want to get in shape and be healthy? They can help with that — bike tours to salsa fitness and more yogas than you can shake a goat at.

The big thing for most families on either side of the yearly summer vacation is the cost.

“I don’t think people realize that most of what we offer here is free or extremely low-cost,” Michele Cicatello, Buffalo Waterfront marketing manager, said. “I have kids too and I know it all adds up fast when you’re taking a family or four or five out, so this is just a great option for those families not looking to break the bank this summer.”

And not pile on, but you’ve got all that stuff as well as concerts over in the Outer Harbor with acts like Our Lady Peace, The Strictly Hip and the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra.

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