BUFFALO, N.Y. — ​The wind over the weekend left a gaping hole in one of Buffalo’s iconic grain elevators and a local businessman is calling for quick action to save the building.

U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins said he sent a letter to the owners, Archer Daniels Midland Milling Company. He’s asking ADM to move fast in order to preserve the historic structure and prevent any further damage.

In a letter to ADM, Higgins said, “I write today to strongly encourage ADM to rehabilitate this structure, for its own benefit and the benefit of the community I represent in Buffalo and Western New York.  I further urge you to consider the long overdue designation of this structure on the National Register of Historic Places in order to avail the federal Historic Tax Credit program, the New York State Historic Tax Credit program, and potentially other incentive programs to restore this historic structure.”

Higgins said the company could receive incentives to repair the grain elevator through state and federal tax credit programs, and it’s long overdue to join the National Register of Historic Places.

The building has towered over Buffalo’s riverfront since it was built in 1897.