Christmas came a little early to thousands of families across Chautauqua County on Thursday, thanks to Toys for Tots.

What You Need To Know

  • Toys for Tots continued to distribute presents Thursday
  • About 4,300 children will be served
  • Final distribution takes place this Saturday

"Very, very thankful. I am out of work due to COVID. So I need a little bit of help," said Ashley McKay, of Jamestown.

McKay has four kids, three girls and a boy all under the age of 7. 

She was one of thousands of parents picking up toys for her tots Thursday, to help make Christmas a little brighter.

"A lot brighter because they have more stuff to look forward to getting and just to be with family," said McKay.

"It's so rewarding and so fantastic to be able to give back to our community," said Terri Johnson, Toys for Tots coordinator.

Toys for Tots elves are distributing hundreds of bags in a pandemic-friendly, contact-less way, after weeks of collecting and sorting community donations for a record number 4,300 children in need.

Organizers say they knew their numbers would be higher because of COVID-19, but never anticipated such an increase over the 3,200 children served last year.

"But we are so happy that our community has been able to support us so that we're able to fill all of those needs and it's not just a number on a paper. We're actually able to give out toys for 4,300 children this year," said Johnson.

"This program is great. Kids always love those toys. And it just makes their Christmas better," said Donald Prosper, of Jamestown.

This is Prosper’s second or third time taking part in the program.

"It's a blessing, you know. I thank God that there's something like this in our area, because you know our kids need this. Christmastime is for the kids anyway," said Prosper.

Like Ashley's.

She says she hopes she can give back one day to the group that has given her so much.

"And donating towards something to help because somebody paid forward and helped us this year," said McKay.

Final distribution will take place in Jamestown and Dunkirk, Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon.