Nearly 50,000 United Auto Workers have gone on strike, after contract negotiations fell through with General Motors, including more than 3,000 here in Western New York.
Workers have been walking the picket line at the GM plant in Tonawanda since midnight. They have no plans of stopping either, saying they will stand their ground until a contract is agreed upon.
In total, the strike impacts 1,356 workers in the town of Tonawanda, 1,293 in Lockport and 842 in Rochester. Outside the GM plant along River Road in the town of Tonawanda, United Auto Worker members said they wouldn’t be giving up.
“We did a lot for General Motors,” said JR Baker, president of UAW Local 775. “We currently still do but now it’s all about the workers, it’s all about UAW, united we stand, divided we fall.”
Talks of a strike began after contract negotiations fell through Saturday night, leaving many issues on the table.
Terry Dittes, UAW’s vice president, said in a letter to GM members that after months of bargaining both the union and GM were far apart on issues.
Baker said it’s reassuring to see the support across the country.
“We will stand together all across this nation,” he said. “General Motors is first to negotiate. We will stand together in solidarity as you do know all the GM plants are out and that’s a great show of solidarity, we will walk the line.”
Even with thousands of employees out of work in Western New York, UAW members have no plans to give up, saying they will stand their ground until a fair contact is reached.
In a statement GM said “We presented a strong offer that improves wages, benefits and grows U.S. jobs in substantive ways and it is disappointing that the UAW leadership has chosen to strike at midnight tonight. We have negotiated in good faith and with a sense of urgency. Our goal remains to build a strong future for our employees and our business.”
Contract negotiations between GM and UAW are underway again in Detroit.
“It’s keeping the communities going if we don’t have a plant here, there’s going to be a lot of things closing down," said GM employee Jennifer Misiak.
Politicians visited the picket lines outside the Tonawanda plant to show their solidarity.
“GM has benefited from the hard work of its employees and they deserve a fair deal," said Assemblywoman Karen McMahon.
“I’m out here supporting these workers who are the backbone of our region," said Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz.
“Let’s get them back to work," said Assemblyman Sean Ryan.