The Buffalo Bills made a minor appearance during Michael Cohen’s testimony Wednesday morning.

In his opening statement, Cohen — President Trump’s former attorney — specifically talked about the president's effort to buy the Bills back in 2014, where he competed with rock star Jon Bon Jovi and current Bills and Sabres owners Terry and Kim Pegula.

"Mr. Trump is a cheat,” Cohen said. “As previously stated, I’m giving the committee today three years of president trump’s financial statements, from 2011-2013, which he gave to deutsche bank to inquire about a loan to buy the Buffalo Bills and to Forbes."

Essentially, Cohen said he has proof that Trump purposefully made financial moves to make his net worth appear higher than it actually was in order to have a better chance at obtaining a loan in order to buy the Bills.

Cohen is also suggesting that Trump tried to make himself appear richer in order to be included on Forbes’ list of the wealthiest people in the world.