School has been in session for a few weeks now and students have may the classroom routine down, but what about their sleep routine?

If you are having trouble getting your little learner to catch some z's, we have some tips for you: 

  1. Remember the four B's. These are bath, brush, book, bed. 
  2. Cut off screen time 30 minutes prior to bedtime. The light actually acts as a stimulant and decreases the production of the normal sleep hormone called melatonin. 
  3. Create a sleepy environment, cut out sound and other distractions. 
  4. Use positive reinforcemnt. Like a sticker chart for example and at the end of the week he or she can get a reward of their choosing. 
  5. If your student has trouble falling asleep alone, don't cave and cuddle. Kids have to learn to fall asleep by themselves. That process should start at four to six months. 

Here's the breakdown of how much sleep certain ages require: 

  • Ages 6 to 12 should get between 9 and 12 hours. 
  • Preschoolers need a little more with 10 to 13 hours. 
  • Teens require 8 to 10 hours 
  • Parents don't forget about yourself! You need 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye.