ROTTERDAM, N.Y. -- What if you had a superpower? What if you could travel through time?  These "what if" questions are the theme to "It Came From Schenectady."

The science fiction exhibit opens Saturday at the Mabee Farm Historic Site in Rotterdam.

Barry Longyear, the author of the collection of stories, will be at the farm to read an excerpt and sign autographs. Also on display, an authentic Apollo spacesuit and a replica you can try on.

The exhibit is being described as a journey through timSe and space and an exploration of the legacy of science fiction in Schenectady County.

"Fantasy contains magic that doesn't have to be explained, sci-fi is magic that is explained -- you just have to make it believable, it doesn't have to work," said Longyear.

"It's fascinating to drive though this area and if you can understand the history and engage in that you can see why Schenectady has developed into the city it is and how our community has developed into the community that it is today," said Mary Zawacki, Mabee Farm Historic Site curator.

Admission is $5 and free for members. The exhibit will run until September. 

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