FALCONER, N.Y. -- Union workers at RHI Monofrax in Falconer, who have been on strike for almost four months, continued Wednesday to call for pension reform and more affordable health care.

"We didn't anticipate being out here this long, even though we didn't like what was happening, we felt we could have had a deal long before this," said Troy Stimson, Falconer resident.

SEIU Local 266-F and IAM leaders said little progress has been made after a series of failed negotiations.

"We're close but we're not there yet. We thought we could get a deal with the company but they have just stuck to their guns, they don't want to come back on anything," said Karl Krauss, Local 266-F chief steward.

Earlier in January, the union filed unfair labor and misconduct charges with the National Labor Relations Board against Monofrax. The suit states the company violated several federal labor laws, including the hiring of replacement workers.

"It certainly wasn't a last resort, it became necessary as time went on, but what we're really looking for is not a lot of litigation, but the resolution of this labor dispute," said Robert Paul, National Conference of Firemen and Oilmen attorney.

Until then, many workers are now eligible to collect unemployment.

"We're surviving, we're not living high off the hog by any means," said Krauss.

"The holidays weren't the same. Trust me, my family really supported me," said Stimson.

While on the picket line, they're braving the frigid weather with a burning barrel and a tent.

"We're Western New Yorkers, we 're used to this," said Stimson.

"People come down and donate wood to us and everything," Krauss said. "Yeah, it's cold but we just dress for it."

Picketers said they're thankful for the community support and will continue to tough it out 24-7.

"If that means standing outside in -16 degree weather, we're going to do it," said Krauss.

A decision from the labor board is expected within the next couple of weeks.

Company leaders did not return our request for comment.