RALEIGH, N.C.—Reports show the tree pollen count is high in North Carolina and allergy sufferers are feeling the symptoms.

With allergy season underway, many stores are seeing customers buying medicine off the shelf.

"I just know variety helps me out a little bit more than just sticking with the same thing,” said Jason Rosser.

Rosser suffers from allergies year-round, but this season can spring on the symptoms.

"I haven't seen a lot of pollen per say, but the plants are starting to bloom and if I were to go outside, I'd probably feel some itchiness in my eyes or maybe just some general drainage or something later on,” said Rosser.

Meteorologists said last month was one of the top five coldest Februaries on record for some areas of North Carolina. The low temperatures could cause a punch of pollen once it warms up.

"Tree pollen has already been categorized as high and that will typically be the case, a predominant pollen type will be trees as we continue throughout much of the spring, so as we get closer to summer, then grasses will become the predominant pollen type,” said Sandra Brogan, a meteorologist for Time Warner Cable News.

Family physician Dr. Tiffany Lowe-Payne works with patients who put up with the pollen and suffer several symptoms.

"The symptoms of allergies include itchy eyes, stuffiness, nasal congestion and sometimes you may get some sinus pressure, itchy nose, itchy throat,” said Brogan.

While there are many options for allergy medications,  Dr. Lowe-Payne said it is important for anyone suffering from symptoms to visit their doctor, because they can determine what exactly the patient is allergic to.

"Some examples of testing could be skin testing, what we call patch testing, where we can find out exactly what you are allergic to and treat you accordingly and there are also blood tests that are available so there is no need to suffer in silence, come see your doctor,” said Payne.

Rosser hopes switching up the medicine will alleviate his allergies.

"I'm hoping this will do the job for me,” said Rosser.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America reports one in five Americans suffer from allergies.

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