BURGAW, N.C. -- “Monty’s Home", a nonprofit that helps get shelter dogs adopted, is expanding its outreach.

  • Monty's Home is opening a thrift store ran by volunteers, with all donated goods. 
  • Profits will go towards their different initiatives to help sheltered dogs.
  • The nonprofit has helped to graduate 250 dogs from their programs. 

The group opened a new thrift store in Burgaw that is completely run by volunteers, with all donated items.

The proceeds will go towards the nonprofit’s initiatives.

The biggest one being Pawsitive Partners Prison Program, where people at Pender Corrective Center train shelter dogs in a seven-week program.

Monty’s Home says it’s graduated almost 250 dogs from their program, with 100 percent placement rate.

The next class of dogs starts the program on August 7.

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