PITTSFIELD, Mass. - The Pittsfield City Council approved a contract Tuesday for the city's police department to obtain body and dashboard cameras for all its officers.

The city will enter into a five year contract with Axons Enterprises for the cameras. The police department has been participating in a body camera pilot program since the end of last year.

Police Chief Michael Wynn told the city council at Tuesday night's meeting that he hopes to get cameras for all officers in the department by spring.

"We don't have firm delivery date for the body cameras," said Wynn. "We're really depdent on Axons for that. They got us the cameras for the pilot very quickly, but they've given us indications that they're still dealing with supply chain issues. I don't expect it to be months, but I can't tell you that it's going to be weeks."

The city council also voted to accept a grant for more than $160,000 to fund the camera program from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.