The full moon on Friday is no ordinary full moon, it's a blue moon. 

Will it appear blue? Not at all. 

A blue moon means it is the second full moon in a calendar month. 

Since the moon cycle is about 29.5 days, a blue moon doesn't happen too often, thus the phrase "once in a blue moon."

The last blue moon was in 2012, the next one after this will be in 2018. 

With some exceptions, it occurs once every 3-ish years.  So it would be fairly accurate to say "the Spurs win a title once in a blue moon."

Let's take it a step further.  A double blue moon is much more rare; this would be a calendar year where a blue moon occurs in two separate months.

The last time that happened was 1999 -- the next will be 2018 in January and March. 

Make sure you witness it, because it's a 19-year wait until the next one in 2037.


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