CITRUS COUNTY, Fla. -- It’s strawberry season in the Tampa Bay area.
And at Ferris Groves in Floral City, they are putting strawberries in shortcakes, pies and milkshakes.
Ferris groves opened in 1931 in Floral City. Citrus fruits first, then strawberries came in the 1987.
Their current berry crop is in full swing.
“They pick in the morning. And several times throughout the day,” said Jennifer Aitken at the Ferris Groves farmstand. “In the morning, we spend about two hours cutting berries.”
Next is pureeing the berries. Aiken adds two tablespoons of puree to the ice cream mix and blends for a delicious treat.
She says she enjoys this work.
“It’s a small group of people. They are very dedicated, and they love what they do—they love the farm,” said Aitken.
The final touch is the whip cream!
Only the fattest straws will do for this sweet treat.
But hurry if you want the Floral City milkshake, the season ends and the farmstand closes April 11.