ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- Another candidate is joing the race for Rochester Mayor.  Alex White made the annoncement this morning. This is his third run for Mayor.

White is the Green Party candidate, who says he is also asking for the Democratic nod.

He says it's time to stop electing the same people with failed ideas. He pointed to the Midtown Tower project. 

"We gave $12 million to the developer to build that building and yet we can't get drinking fountains at parks for kids," White said. "One of my oponents was police chief during a time when we had more residents attacked than ever before. These are the people who have made this the complacent non working city its is today." 

Former Rochester Police Chief Jim Sheppard and former newcaster Rachel Barnhart have annoucned their runs.  Mayor Lovely Warren has not yet announced if she will run again.

Barnhart's campaign issued a response Thursday to White's announcement.

Her campaign manager Joe Rittler says: 

"We look forward to continuing our discussion about who would best represent the Democratic Party in this year's mayoral race and we remain hopeful that, in September, Democrats will select Rachel Barnhart as their nominee."