KANEOHE, Hawaii — Students interested in pursuing an algal-based career can now study at Windward Community College and earn an Agripharmatech Certificate of Achievement in the Limu Culture track.

What You Need To Know

  • Windward CC’s program combines Native Hawaiian knowledge with Western scientific methods, teaching students about sustainable algae cultivation, production and manufacturing

  • In Hawaii, there are around 5,000 jobs opportunities in algae cultivation, harvesting and processing, and another 5,000 positions in algal bio-manufacturing and fermentation

  • With the help of grants from the National Science Foundation’s Tribal Colleges and Universities Program and Carl D. Perkins Strengthening Career and Technical Education, the classes within the Limu Culture program are tuition-free

Limu is the Hawaiian word for algae, which played a significant role in Hawaiian culture and the traditional Hawaiian diet. 

Windward CC’s program combines Native Hawaiian knowledge with Western scientific methods, teaching students about sustainable algae cultivation, production and manufacturing, according to a news release.  

Another option for Windward CC students is to enroll in the Limu Studies Certificate of Competence, earning credits that could be used eventually for the Agripharmatech Certificate of Achievement Limu Culture track.

Credits from this program are also transferable to higher degree institutions. 

Algae under the microscope (Photo courtesy of University of Hawaii)
Algae under the microscope (Photo courtesy of University of Hawaii)

In Hawaii, there are around 5,000 jobs opportunities in algae cultivation, harvesting and processing, and another 5,000 positions in algal bio-manufacturing and fermentation, according to the Algae Technology Education Consortium survey. A career as a skilled algae worker offers salaries above $40,000 annually. 

Windward CC will offer three free classes in the fall as part of the Limu Culture track: 

"These classes are a wonderful opportunity for students and community members to learn more about the importance of limu in Hawaii. For those thinking about a career in agriculture or biomanufacturing, these classes are a great place to start. Our partnership with the Waikalua Loko fishpond, where limu is already being grown, is a bonus for students wanting coursework that combines Hawaiian traditional knowledge, ecological sustainability, and food production," said Jolie Dollar, Limu Center coordinator and instructor, in a statement. 

Collecting limu at the Waikalua Loko I‘a (Photo courtesy of University of Hawaii)
Collecting limu at the Waikalua Loko I‘a (Photo courtesy of University of Hawaii)

With the help of grants from the National Science Foundation’s Tribal Colleges and Universities Program and Carl D. Perkins Strengthening Career and Technical Education, the classes within the Limu Culture program are tuition-free. Windward CC will automatically apply a tuition waiver once students register for the Limu Culture classes. Before registering, students must apply to Windward CC and receive an acceptance email. 

For more details about the Limu Culture pathway, contact Limu Center Coordinator and Instructor Jolie Dollar at 808-236-9245 or jolied@hawaii.edu.