VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — Leaders across Volusia County will meet Monday, March 10, for the second Volusia County Elected Officials Roundtable meeting this year.

One elected official from each city and county government makes up the group. They meet five times a year to discuss countywide issues and concerns.

The meetings, hosted by the Volusia County Council, are open to the public.

According to the meeting agenda, it seems flooding will take center stage during Monday’s discussions.

Agenda items include:

Flooding has been a major concern across Volusia County over the past several years as major storms have devastated areas that aren’t prone to flooding.

In January, the Volusia County Council voted against a countywide development moratorium despite residents' concerns over whether new developments were adhering to the county’s stormwater regulations.

The council’s decision was based on the grounds that each city has a different need, which will likely be discussed during the five roundtable meetings.

Monday’s meeting is at 9 a.m. ET in the Dennis McGee Room of the Daytona Beach International Airport.