SAN ANTONIO – CPS Energy is continuing to report record electricity usage from San Antonio customers.

Not only is CPS Energy is reporting record high usage locally, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages the flow of electric power to 24 million Texas customers, is also reporting the same spike in daily usage at an estimated 67,000 megawatts.

CPS Energy is warning customers about the potential for a little sticker shock at the end of June. The reason is because hotter temperatures mean higher energy usage indoors.

Last month, CPS reported 12 percent more electricity was used than May of 2017.

“Therefore, that is going to translate into a higher utility bill. Not because the rates are going up but simply the energy they are buying is going up. As customers use more naturally the amount of their bill is going to increase as well," said John Moreno with CPS Energy.

ERCOT has not ruled out rolling blackouts this summer. Therefore, CPS warns that customers should always be mindful of their thermostat and maybe dial it down a few degrees.

Tips for Simple Summer Savings:

  • Keep thermostats around 78 degrees
  • Use fans to cool down
  • Keep out the sun by securing doors and windows
  • Keep house warmer when you’re not home
  • Set AC to cool down after 7 p.m.
  • Check air filters every two weeks
  • Limit use of vent fans that pull in hot outside air